Time-Management For Aspiring Leaders

To be an effective leader, managing time is an important ability to have. There are literally, many things to do and accomplish. Some things may be part of the daily routine, while some may not. Some things may directly impact business, some may not but still be important. Some may just be tasks while some may be responsibilities that cannot be done at one single go. There are 10 decisions that need to be made Now, 5 calls urgently require a callback and 10 mails that need answering now . This is beyond the routine harried 7 hectic schedules of meetings , briefings, and decisions . Welcome to the daily routine of a Leader . Driving the organization , answering emails, devoting time to customer management , important phone-calls - there are several things demanding the time of leaders and here is where time-management helps them to allot & plan properly. Without deploying this skill , they just cannot hope t...